Pain-Free Gardening

Your privacy is always respected.
The permaculture property we are visiting is a 15 minute drive from central Nelson to the Lud Valley. Please indicate how you will be travelling to the venue. We will contact you after registration and payment with the address and will put you in contact with fellow gardeners for carpooling if indicated.
Payment is by Direct Deposit. The account details will be sent to you by email upon receiving your registration
Special Dietary requirements
We value and promote local and organic food and will have gluten-free and vegetarian options. Please indicate any special dietary requirements here.
Health and mobility information
In order to accommodate for all physical abilities, please let Penny know about any joint replacements, surgeries or any other conditions that may affect your ability to do a gentle movement class, or if you have difficulty getting on and off the ground. Please indicate if you would rather talk about this in person.
Terms and Conditions
Cancellation fee: $25 Cancellation policy. All refunds incur a $25 non-refundable processing fee. Partial refund of the course fee is available before 1st October. No refunds are available after that date, unless we are able to fill your place from a wait list. Please note: your registration is not final until full payment is received.