John's Blog
Latest Blog built in blocks as normal under here
Blog Archive here
You could then have a block underneath with the blogs clumped together somehow. By country, activity, month etc
Jan 2019
Skiing with the crew in Vancouver
Catching up with mates
And we are off to somewhere else
Add links to separate pages on each of these blogs
And have each blog as a separate page
Or group all of Jan blogs on one page as an archive and have this block on your main blog page
Feb 2019
Brutal Fries — 10$
Sweet Potato Fries — 12$
Potato Fries with topping — 15$
March 2019
Homemade lemonade — 15$
Сraft beer — 20$
Jasmin tea — 12$
Herbal mix tea — 14$
Milk Oolong — 14$
Capuccino — 15$
Americano — 15$
Or you could use this style as an archive
Each blog would still have to be a separate page
Vancouver Skiing
Brief sentence about it...
Learn more
Catching up with Mates
Our managers are always ready to answer your questions. You can call us at the weekends and at night. Also you can visit our office for personal consultation.
Learn more
Or these ones as an archive
Options found in the index section of add more blocks. The trouble is that each blog will have to be a separate page. Especially if you want each blog to have pictures and look pretty. You could change the format and clump them together on one page (e.g. by date) and it would just appear as one long read version with a few blogs on the one page to save pages.
We can estimate your company opportunities, explore your economic status, analyze your vehicle access and foot traffic.
We develop the main conception of a company according to company target, develop strategies of competitive advantage.
Blog Goodness
Bloggidy Blog
Blog Blog

Simplicity is about subtracting the obvious and adding the meaningful.

Films are chosen in each category by a section director with the advice of a committee of film experts.

Learn how to get there, where to stay and how to have the best time.

The ways that vast empty spaces affect how you feel and how to spend your summer the Scandinavian way.

A brand in order to be relevant to consumers and sustainable over time must operate much like a culture.

After initial crisis re-construction the center of Rotterdam has become the site of ambitious new architecture.